

点击“我同意” & 下面的提交按钮, 我同意CTU使用自动化技术和/或预先录制的方式发送电子邮件, 呼叫, and text me at the phone number above regarding educational services. 我明白我的同意不需要作为购买商品或服务的条件. 我提供电子签名确认我同意并同意CTU的"使用条款"和"隐私政策". 可能适用Msg和数据速率.











反恐组在线® 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 are offered in a wide array of subject areas and concentrations and can be taken fully online or as part of a hybrid program. We offer over 70 undergraduate and graduate online degree options at every level—from associate to doctorate—which means that finding a program to match your needs could be just around the corner. 我们的航空业相关, 灵活的在线课程可以为你提供一定程度的时间安排自由,以提高你的技能, 激发你的兴趣, 追求你的教育目标,而不必暂停你忙碌的生活.




CTU的虚拟教室 you may only be a few clicks away from where you want to be. You can access the latest class announcements for your online course, 创建待办事项列表, 关注讲座内容, 查看作业和您的个人书架, 跟踪你的成绩, 与同学交流, 和更多的. 以下是参加CTU在线巴黎人澳门赌场在哪的一些好处:

Intelli路径® 学习

我们易达利路径® learning tool can help provide a more personalized learning experience by recognizing what you already know and anticipating what you’re ready to learn so that you can focus on something new,1



CTU移动是一个安全,方便的方式来追求你的学位随时, 在任何可以访问互联网的地方查看作业并将其添加到日历中, 使用我们的网上图书馆, 收听实时聊天, 阅读讨论区, 接收推送通知, 跟踪你的学习进度



我们的硕士优势 and Doctoral Advantage programs may allow qualifying students to substitute two courses in their current level of study (i.e., 学士 or master’s) for two higher level courses (i.e.硕士或博士)

查看我们的硕士优势 程序



在线求职资源, 工具, 以及社交机会, 以及学生成功教练可以为在读学生和校友提供建议和指导


1 易达利路径® 并非适用于所有课程



Estimate Your Costs, Potential Savings and 毕业 Date


没有坐, 没有考试, 没有GRE考试, 或任何其他标准化考试都需要被CTU的在线课程录取. All prospective CTU students must complete an admissions interview with an 招生 Advisor and submit a completed application. 看到 大学目录 欲知详情.

For undergraduate programs, proof of high school graduation (i.e., high school diploma and transcripts) or its equivalent (i.e., GED)必须在学习计划的第二季度或学期的第一天之前提交给CTU. 一旦收到,CTU将在正式录取之前审查和确认文件. 硕士课程, 必须提交官方成绩单,以验证完成认可的学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪. For Doctor 的管理 or 计算机科学 programs, official transcripts verifying completion of an accredited master’s degree in a discipline related to the CTU doctoral program concentration for which admission is sought must be submitted. 护理实践博士课程, applicants must submit official transcripts verifying completion of an accredited 护理学硕士 degree program. 对于CTU提供的所有在线博士课程,申请人必须获得3分.0对4.并提交一份简历和论文.


Spend Less Time And Money On Your 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪

节省时间意味着节省金钱. 我们的 学费和毕业日期计算器 is a helpful tool that lets you see how CTU快速通道 考试, 转移学分, 或者参军可能会影响你的总学费和预期毕业日期. 我们的 净价计算器 can also provide an estimate of the cost to attend CTU including tuition, 费用, other expenses and possible federal aid eligibility.





通过CTU快速通道 考试 test your knowledge of key course objectives and can make it possible to earn course credit for what you already know3



提交成功的体验式学习作品集(ELP)可能会获得生活或工作经验学分2 走向你的学位

View 我们的 Experiential 学习 Portfolio Process

奖助金 & 奖学金

New and returning students who meet eligibility criteria can explore of a number of institutional grants and scholarships4


2 Transfer credit is evaluated on an individual basis. 并非所有学分都可以转换. 看到 大学目录 for transfer credit policies.
3 的 ability to reduce time in school and/or reduce tuition towards the full cost of a degree program depends on the number of CTU快速通道™ 顺利通过考试. Fast Track program credits are non-transferable. 并不是所有的项目都有资格在时间和金钱上减少30%. 符合条件的课程可能会有所变化. 学生在做出入学决定时不应依赖潜在的快速通道储蓄或资格.
4 University grants or scholarships are based on established criteria as published in the 大学目录 or on its website and are awarded after verification that the conditions of eligibility have been met.


认证可能是一个重要的考虑因素, since it may be required by your field of study or career 路径, and it can also affect eligibility for financial aid. 科罗拉多技术大学是由高等教育委员会(hlcommission)认证的机构.org). CTU’s 本科 科学的 in 计算机工程 at the 科罗拉多斯普林斯 and Virtual campuses and the 本科 科学的 in 电气工程 program at the 科罗拉多斯普林斯校区 are accredited by the 工程 认证 Commission of ABET. 护理学学士学位, 护理学硕士, and Doctor 护理实务 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 at 科罗拉多理工大学 are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). 我们的商业巴黎人澳门赌场在哪由商学院和课程认证委员会(ACBSP)认证。, and six of our 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 in project management are accredited by the Global 认证 Center for 项目管理 Education 程序s (GAC).

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 将科罗拉多技术大学(科罗拉多理工大学)的在线学位项目列入其2024年的8个项目 最佳在线课程 列表.*

  • 最佳在线学士课程
  • 最佳退伍军人在线学士课程
  • 最佳在线商业学士学位
  • 最佳在线MBA课程
  • Best 在线 主's in 业务 程序s - Excluding MBA
  • Best 在线刑事司法硕士 程序s
  • Best 在线 主's in Computer 信息技术 程序s
  • 最佳在线护理硕士课程

的 Department of 国土安全 and the National Security Agency have recognized 科罗拉多理工大学 as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE - CD). 的 CTU 本科 科学的 in 计算机科学 program with a concentration in Cybersecurity 工程 was validated thereby to map to the DHS/NSA cybersecurity knowledge unites. This recognition and certification is valid through 2027. 2020年,学校获得 Tier One Global MBA and Tier One Global 在线MBA rankings, and in 2017 received Tier One North American MBA School and Top Ten Global 在线MBA School rankings from CEO Magazine.

*CTU的课程在美国大学中名列前茅.S. 新闻 & 世界报告的2024年最佳在线课程.

ABET工程认证委员会 CCNE认证 ACBSP认证


巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 at CTU are taught by faculty who have real-world experience in what they teach and who are in-the-know regarding current trends in their respective fields. We offer flexible online degree courses in a number of areas of study, many of which offer an option to concentrate in a specific field.


会计巴黎人澳门赌场在哪分为副学士学位和学士学位. 在线 courses may include corporate accounting, 税收, 管理基础知识, 政府和非营利会计, 国际财务报告, 和审计. 业务 administration 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 can be sought at the associate, 学士, 硕士水平, 我们的工商管理硕士是一个方便的一年制在线巴黎人澳门赌场在哪. 课程可能包括会计, 广告与公共关系, 项目风险管理, 非营利组织和公共政策, 商业法, 在许多其他方面, 取决于你选择的浓度.


CTU提供从副学士到博士的各个学位级别的管理巴黎人澳门赌场在哪. A management degree are designed to help students work to develop skills and knowledge to oversee projects and people more effectively and to work toward successfully meeting or exceeding business objectives. 取决于浓度, students may cover topics in 安全合规, business continuity and disaster recovery planning, 损失预防, 人力资源管理, 国土安全战略和政策, 等. 的 本科 科学的 in 项目管理 program’s online curriculum aims to help students understand how leadership influences project team and stakeholder engagement, 根据PMBOK提供应用最佳实践来完成项目目标的指导® 指导,识别和分析项目范围以满足客户期望.


我们的在线心理学学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪是作为一般跟踪课程提供的, 或者学生可以选择专注于消费者行为或组织行为. 课程可能包括管理心理学, 分析推理和数据展示, 团体动力学, 职场变态心理, psychology of health and well-being in the workplace, 和更多的.

工程 & 计算机科学在线巴黎人澳门赌场在哪

计算机科学在线巴黎人澳门赌场在哪提供学士、硕士和博士学位. 学生 could explore how to analyze complex computing problems, 应用计算机科学理论, 并利用批判性思维技能来产生和评估基于计算的解决方案. 在线课程可能包括各种编程语言(Python, SQL, Java, C++), 机器学习, 道德黑客, 软件设计, and quantitative and qualitative re搜索 methods, 仅举几个例子.


我们提供一个完全在线的健康管理服务副学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪, 以及在线学士和在线硕士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪在医疗保健管理, which can be taken fully online or as hybrid programs. Both our 本科 and 主 科学的 in 医疗管理 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 can be taken as a general track or with a concentration in informatics, 两者都旨在培养学生的领导技能和医疗保健行业的知识. 补偿策略, the changing legislative and regulatory environment, 和成本相关的问题, 质量, and access to healthcare are some of the topics that may be covered.


We offer online 学士 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 in information technology. Core courses include but are not limited to coverage of security risk, 计算机取证, 安全合规, 以及脆弱性评估和管理. Electives differ depending upon the concentration chosen, 但两者都涵盖了c++, Python, and UNIX and require students to select two CSS, CS, 或者在线学位要求中没有明确列出的IT课程. Designed in accordance with standards set by CompTIA, the cyber security online classes may help students prepare for the 考试 required to earn CompTIA Security+ and Network+ badges. 的 master’s program covers topics including strategic management, 网络基础设施管理, 企业系统架构, 系统安全管理.


护理巴黎人澳门赌场在哪可以在CTU攻读学士、硕士和博士学位. 学生 must already be licensed RNs in order to pursue a BSN, and the undergraduate curriculum is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills that can help expand their practice options and manage change in a complex and diverse nursing care environment. 我们的护理硕士课程提供三种集中选择. 我们的 nursing practice doctoral degree program can help students prepare for advanced positions in systems leadership and administration and instruct them on methods of applying evidence to improve healthcare outcomes. 就像我们其他的护理在线课程一样, students in our doctoral program must be licenses as a Registered Nurse.


我们的 criminal justice online 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 are offered at the 学士 硕士水平 by CTU’s College of 安全研究. 当前的刑事司法专业人士可能会被我们的在线硕士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪所吸引, 在一般情况下提供, in which they’ll have the opportunity to explore current legal, 政策, 以及与该领域相关的社会趋势.

What 学生 Are Saying About 的ir CTU Experience


迈出下一步. Fill out the form and speak to an 招生 Advisor.

点击“我同意” & 下面的提交按钮, 我同意CTU使用自动化技术和/或预先录制的方式发送电子邮件, 呼叫, and text me at the phone number above regarding educational services. 我明白我的同意不需要作为购买商品或服务的条件. 我提供电子签名确认我同意并同意CTU的"使用条款"和"隐私政策". 可能适用Msg和数据速率.




Save up to 30% on your tuition and graduate sooner with CTU快速通道TM.*

个性化您的学习计划,跳过您已经知道的Intelli路径®, allowing you to make your educational experience more efficient.

科罗拉多技术大学是由高等教育委员会(hlcommission)认证的.org), an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. 教育部.

*的 ability to reduce time in school and/or reduce tuition towards the full cost of a degree program depends on the number of CTU快速通道 顺利通过考试. Fast Track program credits are non-transferable. 并不是所有的项目都有资格在时间和金钱上减少30%. 符合条件的课程可能会有所变化. 学生在做出入学决定时不应依赖潜在的快速通道储蓄或资格.